Key Findings
This section provides a narrative report on The Study of Instructional Improvement (SII). The report has been designed not only to familiarize readers with the key findings of the study, but also to probe SII data more deeply. In particular, the report provided here makes use of hypertext links that allow readers to access progressively complex layers of information about the data and the methods lying behind the findings we present. These hypertext links guide readers to downloadable data, to basic information about the psychometric properties of the measures used by SII researchers, and to some of the statistical models guiding data analyses. Each of these pieces of information, in turn, sometimes contains additional hypertext linkages. The point is to provide readers not only with study results, but also a series of scaffolded experiences that allow readers to engage actively with the data and findings. The navigation links on the left column, separate the report into six sections: 1) Purpose of the Report; 2) Concept of Comprehensive Reform; 3) Portraits of the Programs Under Study; 4) Processes for Instructional Improvement; 5) Patterns of Literacy Instruction; and 6) Patterns of Literacy Achievement.